Monday, March 9, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

While away on a business trip for 4 days, I did NOT send a "text message only for my hubby's eyes" to a young lady that I met only 24 hours earlier on said business trip and I did NOT realize my mistake while said young lady was sitting RIGHT NEXT TO ME. I always check to make sure I am sending text messages to the correct person and I would NEVER send a text message to the wrong person.

While traveling to and from the business trip, I did NOT plug in the portable DVD player and "listen" to the entire season 4 of One Tree Hill. I would never subject myself to almost running off the road while switching DVDs in the player.

I did NOT feel a desire to coach cheerleading again after judging for 3 days at the CCA National Christian Cheerleading Championships. I would NOT subject myself to hours and hours of practices, meetings, time away from my family again after being on a hiatus for 2 years. That would be ridiculous to think about that time commitment again.

I did NOT get disappointed upon my arrival at home late Saturday night to realize that my precious boys were already asleep. I mean, who would have thought that my darling husband would have put the boys to bed at regular bedtime at 7:30pm instead of letting them wait up for me to get home at 11:00pm. I did NOT go into each of their rooms and lay hands on their little heads and say a prayer for them and kiss their precious cheeks.

So, that was my was yours?


Kimberly @ Raising Olives said...

Love sending the text message to the wrong person. Ooops.

Thanks for helping me remember how precious it is to say goodnight to those babies.


Anonymous said...

HA HA HA!! Love the wrong text one! I sent a text to my hubby once and it thank goodness it wasn't a for his eyes only one but instead of sending to him I accidentally sent it to our pastor! YIKES!!!
Great not me's!

Lora said...

oh, that wrong text thing is totally me!
I'm going to have to start writing these things down so that I can do my own Not Me Monday. I usually forget the catastrophes of the week before then :0)
thanks for visiting my blog today. I love yours!

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

What a cute Not Me Monday post! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment.

Anonymous said...

Yes,... yes... sending texts to intended recipiants
ALWAYS happens to me... sure.

Hey... I am new to your blog.. I like to visit, and
hope you will visit mine. I am giving away a
free baby blanket that I hand-knitted. So
please give me a visit and check it out.

I will visit the getting to know you thing too...
I need people... I am home most days with
little people no taller than three feet. I NEED
grown-up people to converse with!

God Bless,
